Friday, July 5, 2013

Big Daddy is re-introduced to John Candy

          The idea of getting older doesn’t really bother me too much and it’s an experience I am actually getting a little used to. Creaky joints and the loss of my 20/20 vision is somehow compensated with the consolation that some parts of life are starting to make sense while the rest is just something more for me to figure out later.

            My new found “Big Daddy” role has led me to my latest discovery of finding new layers in my old beloved 80s movies. Recently Kim and I were you in the NC Mountains for her family reunion and to pick up the young’uns from their grandparents. One morning, Kim and I were watching the TV in our bedroom when Summer Rental came on VH1 Classics.

            John Candy was always one of my mom’s favorites so it’s theoretically possible I have seen every John Candy movie close to a dozen times courtesy of Video Barn back in my Young Harris days including a few screenings of Delirious.

            Summer Rental is no exception. In addition to Mom’s almost scary obsession of John Candy, the Big Guy also loved this one. As a teen ager, I found the movie amusing but I guess I never got it like they did. I can remember watching Candy try to plow through all those folks on the beach without any luck. Mom would chuckle to the Bug Guy, “Reminds me of someone else I know.” The Big Guy would always be in his recliner smoking one of his More cigarettes. He’d take a drag then wink back at my mom. I’d just shrug my shoulders and wait for the movie to be over so they’d go to bed and I could watch videos.

            Sitting in that bed in NC and watching Summer Rental with Kim, I just about reenacted the whole scenario from my teen years but with a major difference. I could finally relate. The whole beach sequence mirrored more than a few of the Richardson family outings to Tybee Island. Don’t even get me started on the whole beau hunk lifeguard talking to Candy’s daughter bit even though I suspect Kim would be a bit amused on this one.

            As the whole idea of Big Daddy grows on me, I am finding just how much I enjoy all of these old type moves and even some of the new ones. Adam Sandler is my version of John Candy. Somehow Big Daddy led to Jude and me viewing Grownups. We watched that one right after our recent trip down to Darien to see Rags and Sanders so it’s no surprise how much that one hit home.

"Mr. Rags and Robby are in this," according to Jude.
            On our wedding day, Kim promised me “magic and surprises” and so far there has been no sign of letting up. I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older or it’s due to all the new experiences that come with being Big Daddy. It may even be a combination of both. I’m not just enjoying all these new insights into life that pop into my head, I relish them much like the family that has chosen to be with me.

            At some point over this holiday weekend, I’d like show Roni and Jude another John Candy movie which may be my favorite, The Great Outdoors. I’m guessing while the kids are laughing hysterically at the raccoons, I’ll be relating a bit more to Mr. Candy.

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