Monday, September 1, 2014

First Time for Everything.....

            In the previous three years, Kim and I have several firsts. First phone call. First date. First kiss. Today was another first. We looked at our first house.
            Two weeks ago, this would have never happened so what has changed? Simple. Mom has decided to sell the family home and move on to Metter.
            In my last post, I explained in great detail the whole story. At the end I also recognized it was just a place and I’d be happy anywhere I lived so long as Kim and the kids were there along with the occasional visits from Aunt Mary and Aunt Christine not mention Amy, Kim's sister, who always makes the best cocktails. While, on one hand it sucks, on the other it has been quite freeing. I am amazed at how easily I am adjusting to the idea of not having a home at 2619 Salcedo Ave.
            We rent and have been here for several years. I love my house from the swinging bachelor days when I moved in here five years ago to the quiet family life I have here now over cook outs by the pool. Over the past year or so, Kim has often mentioned the money we’d save if moved somewhere smaller or bought. I’d always balk because I knew the family home was in my future and I didn’t want to get stuck with a house payment and the family property.
            That’s all gone now so I am freed up to look around and not feel tied to anything. And we did. It was pretty exciting.
The New Geeky Hut or maybe stately Rich Manor?
            I had never looked at a house to purchase before. The place is a foreclosure out on the marsh. I’d have a deck with palm trees. There’s a huge fireplace to hold my Star Wars Trash Compactor Book ends and room for Xmas stockings. I pictured myself cooking many pancakes over the island in the kitchen. I already could picture Roni and Jude’s room. I also know where I want the shark head to go.
            I flash forwarded to next summer Raising Arizona style to a scene of us hosting a cookout when the Freenors would arrive along with David Westbrook and his magical recorder. We’d pop a few beers as much shit would be given to me about whatever point Steve and Dave could rib me about. Jeff Doke and family would arrive with their obligatory bottle of rum and his guitar for a little strumming on the deck.
            So are we going to buy this place? I have no idea. It’s a HUD home with much to look at. Yet for the first time, I allowed myself to do just that. Look at something I had not already pre-ordained in my head. And somehow I survived. Lol.
            The reason I am writing this is because I now know I am going to be all right with this unexpected change in my life. I had fun walking around with my wife and trying to plan out in my head how to fit all of our stuff into this new place. I want to do it again and I suspect we will now.
   A couple of days ago, I came across this on Facebook. I don’t really go for all those uplifting expressions and usually reserve my meme watching for something more sarcastic. Yet this one got a hold of me and just wouldn’t let go. I guess someone is trying to tell me something and for once, I am going to listen.

            Well there you go, another first…..I’m getting good at this. 

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